- North Carolina Botanical Garden
- NC State University - "Going Native" lists plants native to NC and where to find them
- NC Cooperative Extension - provides landscaping tips for homeowners
- NC Pollinator Conservation Alliance - information on how to create pollinator gardens
- New Hope Audobon Society- Piedmont area birds and the importance of pollinator gardens
- Xerxes Society - national organization on pollinator conservation and endangered species
- Doug Tallamy uTube video on pollinators and native plants
- Consumer Notice - safe alternatives to herbicides
- Home Grown National Park - regenerate biodiversity by planting natives in every backyard
- The Humane Gardener - Nancy Lawson - native landscapes for pollinators and wildlife
Though many excellent books exist on native landscapes and gardening here are a few selections from our bookshelf.
Let us know your favorite books or websites on gardening in North Carolina. We'd love to hear from you!